A nice walk, some shopping & sushi


The day started off with breakfast followed by a well needed gym session! It's been really hard to get them in with sore legs and aching feet from all the walking.
Before we left the hotel for the day we grabbed some noodles and japanese curry for lunch in the restaurant.

Having already ticked off most of our must do Tokyo stops it was really nice with a relaxed day to do whatever we wanted to!
We headed over to Imperial Palace, or to be more correct, the park surrounding the palace.
It was a beautiful sunny day and being a Sunday the park was filled with families enjoying the weather along with all the tourists!

The park was huge! After a 45min walk we decided it was time to do some shopping and we headed over to a close by shopping mall, Daimaru!
Magnus scored some t-shirts but I think he was much more exited about the mini creme brule tarts we picked up on the way. And yes, they were quite good even if your not a custard maniac (uhm, enthusiast, thank you very much!) like Magnus so we got some to bring back home!

For dinner we found a sushi restaurant within walking distance from the hotel, Orion Sushi, and it turned out to, yet again, be one of the best places we've eaten at! Instead of using soy sauce, Orion used various salts and infused oils in their sushi, and it was absolutely delicious!

Mange on a mission!

The menu

The salt