Rain = No Mt. Fuji views

Rain, temple and ocean

We woke up to beautiful views through the windows and birds singing as loud as they could.
Staying at a Ryokan means a great opportunity to enjoy a very good japanese breakfast. The breakfast consists of many small differnt dishes that you eat together with your rice and miso soup. Most of what you get for breakfast is great but today the pickled plum was way to sour for my taste (Magnus ate it whole and was about to explode. He's never eaten anything that sour before, but Malin didn't want to try more than a little bite) and the salted octupus they can keep to themselves! Atleast we didn't get any bait fish for breakfast today (mini mini mini fishes with the eyes visible).

The main plan/goal for today was to ride the Hakone Ropeway and enjoy the beautiful views of Mt. Fuji.
However, when it rains and the whole area is covered in fog the ropeway is not the best activity, luckily we have already enjoyed some great views of Mt. Fuji earlier during our trip so it's not a complete disaster!

from the hotel room in Tokyo

on the route to Nagoya

The new plan for the day was to head towards the coast.
First stop, Odawara Castle. Yet another beautiful castle with great grounds and amazing cheery trees!

Next desination was Cape Manazuru, a small peninsula in Sagami Bay. The drive there was alot of fun with winding roads through a residential neighbourhood!
The view from the top was absolutely amazing even though the weather and we took the steps down to Mituishi beach to get even better views!

For lunch we decieded to drive back to Hakone! Once we found parking in the crowded little mountain town we got some lunch at a small noodle shop and took the opportunity to browse the tourist shops along the main street!

The evening we spent at our Ryokan with more Onsen baths and another great dinner!