Driving to Hakone

More ryokans and onsens!

Woke up to an early sunrise and no rain in sight! Yippie!
We celebrated with some great Japanese breakfast followed by a relaxing soak in the private Onsen bath!

Once ready we set out for today's drive to Hakone, a mountain town with a lot of ryokans and onsens.

We stopped for lunch at a rest stop along the express way for some noodles and ice cream.

When we arrived at our ryokan of choice, Kinnotake Tonosawa we were greeted by friendly staff and happily surprised that it looked as serene as the pictures! Ladies also had a choice of pattern for their ryokan-wear while men only were offered the default option (But Magnus thought it was still pretty spiffy!).

We opted for the early dinner seating at 17:30, the restaurant was great offering a multi course menu with your choice of beef or fish oriented. Today we choose beef and we were not dissapointed! We will try the fish menu tomorrow night!