
Temples, walking & food

A short taxi ride took us almost all the way up to the Kiyomizu-dera Temple. The taxi dropped us off by a small shopping street just below the temple.
The temple was huge and very impressive! We spent about an hour walking around the temple grounds looking around.

On the way down we strolled down Sannenzaka and Ninenzaka enjoying spring, cheery blossoms and window shopping!
Dressed up japaneese couples were crowding the streets taking spring inspired pictures.
The walk down also provided great view of the Hōkan-ji Temple.

Next up were some more temples, this time we headed towards the Chion-in Temple. In the park adjacent to the temple we found alot of food stalls and of course we had to try some out!

Now on the hunt for lunch we walked over to the Nishiki Market. There were so many people making it almost impossible to move forward. Instead we ventured down a side street and found a small restaurant serving eel and rice! (It was ål-inclusive!)

Next up, the Fushimi-Inari-Taisha Shrine and its red shrine gates that are spread across the mountain.

To round off the day we enjoyed some amazing tapanyaki at BuonAgio