Castle, Tunnels & Farmhouses

Never ending tunnel

After a well needed visit to the gym we left our hotel and drove 10 min north. Our replanning enabled us to pay a visit to Nagoya Castle. The original castle was completed in 1615 but most of the buildings were destoyed by air raids during the war. The magnificent castle keep was rebuilt in 1959 but due to it's "new" concrete structure it was closed to the public in 2018 due to not being earthquake secure, restoration to original wooden frame is ongoing.
Honmaru Goten (palace building) has also been rebuilt and opened fully to the public in 2018. There is also an adjacent garden/park where we got to see some amazing cherry blossom as well as some lunch before getting on the road.

After lunch we set out course north towards Shirakawagoto look at some traditional sloped roof farmhouses.
The drive took us up in the mountains where the road passed through tunnel after tunnel. In one tunnel it felt like it was never going to end, according to the signs on the tunnel side we had driven 8 km and had 3 km left! Later at the hotel we found out that it was the Hida Tunnel. Measuring 10.7 km it's the third longest car tunnel in Japan and the 12th longest car tunnel in the world.
In additions to farmhouses, we also found some Hida beef skewers and some award winning pudding in Shirakawa.

After some more driving and several tunnels later we made it to our hotel in Kanazawa and enjoyed a light dinner before heading to bed.