On the road

Nature and an old hotel!

Time to leave Tokyo for this time and get on the road.
We picked up our little car and started driving north, our estimated 1 hour out of Tokyo took around 2 hours despite no wrong turns and no acutal traffic jams, guess Google was simply wrong!
Once out of the city we stopped for lunch at the first place we found after exiting the express way, turned out to be a McDonalds! Not sure if it was the hunger or the couple of years since I ate a Big Mac, but it was actually very good (and the server was really happy she got to practice her English)!

Next stop was Kairakuen Garden for some nature! We had a nice walk through the garden and got to see both a bamboo forest and flowering plum trees! A bit chilly but really really nice!

After another 2 hour drive we reached our hotel, Nikko Kanaya Hotel, founded in 1873. A charming old japanese hotel with western furniture, crooked floor, old carpet, fully functional and very charming. Magnus liked the complimentary room wear the most (the he wasn't allowed to wear outside :().
Dinner was included and we had no clue what to expect. We sat down in the large dining room and were presented with our menu and told we were to pick one of the five main courses, there was only one issue, the menu was fully in Japaneese and the server didnt even attempt to translate before he left the table! Thank you Google translate for having our backs! The food was delicious and consisted of 5 courses with our choice of rainbow trout as the main!