Kamakura & Yokohama

More nom nom nom

Time to do some exploration outside of Tokyo!
We hopped on a train to Kamakura! Not the train we planned to take but an earlier train that Magnus thought he recognized the name of! Luckily it was the express train he thought he remembered from his route research earlier in the morning and we got to Kamakura without any hickups!

Once in Kamakura we headed towards out first stop. We got a little delayed due to Magnus questioning why I hadn't tried the green matcha icecream yet. Easy answer to the question was to buy one! When the additional green matcha powder they put on top of it had blown off (over all my clothes) it was quite tasty!

Once the icecream was taken care of it was time for one of the main reasons we went to Kamakura in the first place, Giraffa bread! The tasty curry bread lived up to expectations, it was utterly delicious!

Sadly, I had to share..

With our energy pools filled up by the Giraffa we kicked off our walking craziness for the day with a 20 min walk to the beach followed by a 30min walk to the Great Buddha.

After yet another 30 min walk we were back by the main street in Kamakura looking for lunch. The restaurant o the plan was unfortunately closed, instead we found a small shop selling steam buns!
We rounded off our visit to Kamakura with a visit to the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and its Peony garden.

Done in Kamakura we hopped on the next train to Yokohama.
We started off our visit to Yokohama with a well needed coffe break. We then set off towards the Cup noodle museum, however, when we got there they were out of tickets for the day.
Next stop, Gundam Factory. We used our last energy for the 30 min walk to get there. The Gundam robot looked absolutely amazing! Unfortunately we didn't get to see it move, they had to cancel the performances due to the strong winds.
Exhausted after this great day we took the next train back to Tokyo where we picked up some take away food from the food court at the station and headed back to our room!