Temple, towers, food

Om nom nom!

Waking up 3h before breakfast time demanded a visit to the local 7-Eleven for a pre-breakfast snack!

Having survived the early morning and 2 breakfasts later it was time to head out for the day.
First stop of the day was Senso-Ji Temple and Nakamise Street. The temple was beautiful but the best thing was all the street food and small shops around the temple and along Nakamise Street where we suddenly found ourselfs too full for lunch!

Takoyaki, octopus balls!

It’s pretty good

Spicy snowcrab skewers

More animals on a stick!

Some kind of omelette?

Always pet local wildlife

Salt and caramel churro?!

On our way to our next destination we walked over to Sumida Rive Park with the hope of seeing some Cherry blossoms. A tad too early for full bloom but only about 3 trees were blooming and everyone was flocking around them for photo ops! We also found out that it was a public holiday to celebrate the arrival of Spring.
Hopefully we will find some more Cherry Blossoms later on during our trip.

Now for some height! Tokyo Skytree, a really high building! In 2013 it was the tallest broadcasting tower in the world, 634 meters!
It's still a very high tower but we are not sure if it's still the highest or not.
Regardless, we figured it was worth a visit! The elevator to Tembo deck @350 meters took 50 seconds at a max speed of 600m/min! From there we took another elevator the remaining 100 meters to the Tembo Galleria. The views were simply amazing and we even got to see a thunderstorm passing by Tokyo while we were up there!

To round off the day we headed over to the Electric town, Akihabara where to looked around the Yodabashi Akiba department store. 7 stories filled with all the electronics you could possible wich for.
The 8th floor held the food court and we happily rested our feet and slurped down some delicious noodles.

Uh-oh, there goes our money!